
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Makan Sampai Bulat:-D, PART 1


"Makan dan minumlah, tetapi janganlah berlebih-lebihan, Sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan." -- Al-A'raf, ayat 31.

Assalamualaikum :-)
Da makan da? How's your tummy? Kte kat msia nie sangatlah di'blessed' dgn banyaaakkkk jenis makanan. Almost sume negeri ade laksa (my favourite is laksa sarawak of course). Kite ade nasik padang, nasik dagang, nasik ujan panas, nasik minyak, nasik tomato, nasik jagung... macam-macam lagi jenis nasik (yang sedap-sedap je sume... yum yum..) Bukan stakat nasik, ulat pon ade yg suke makan! Tak ulat, belalang pn ade org nak makan gak~ Pendek citer, sume bende kite suke makan... tak kire mentah or cooked. In case we all forget, lets be reminded okay? :-)

"Maka hendaklah manusia itu memerhatikan makanannya. Sesungguhnya Kami benar-benar telah mencurahkan air dari langit, kemudian Kami  belah bumi dengan sebaik-baiknya. Lalu kami tumbuhkan biji-bijian di bumi itu, anggur dan sayur-sayuran, zaitun dan pohon kurma. Kebun-kebun yang lebat dan buah-buahan serta rumput-rumput untuk kesenangan kamu dan untuk binatang-binatang ternak." --Surah 'Abasa, ayat 23-32.   


"Tidak banyak makan adalah ubat, dan perut adalah tempat bersarangnya penyakit. Biasakanlah setiap anggota tubuh dengan kebiasaanya." -- Hadis Nabi dinasabkan kepada Khalal dari Aisyah.

In fact.....................

"Seorang anak-cucu Adam tidak pernah memenuhi satu bekas pun yang lebih buruk daripada perutnya. Cukuplah bagi seorang anak-cucu Adam beberapa suap makanan yang dapat menegakkan belakangnya. Jika dia perlu makan, hendaklah sepertiga dari perutnya untuk makanan, sepertiga untuk minuman dan sepertiga lagi untuk udara."--Hadis Ahmad, Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah dan Hakim. 

Makan banyak memang tak salah, tapi apa yang penting is that, we have to eat right. And to eat right is easy. 71trillion sel dalam badan kita lebih bersifat asid berbanding bes. Therefore, untuk badan tetap sihat, is just by making sure that our body is bersifat 'neutral'. Badan yang terlalu berasid akan cenderung untuk 'panas'. Kalau badan kite lebih bersifat asid, nanti cepat je sakit kepale, high blood pressure, sakit jantung, angin ahmar, pastu sakit perut. Kalo badan kite terlebih sifat bes, nanti kene low blood pressure pulak. Pastu, lagi senang nak kene selsema, batuk, bronkitis and mudah lelah. 

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................... ngantoknye........................... sok pagi nak anta member balik :-( kene tdo neh, nanti x sempat bekfast same2 ngn dorg sume b4 g stesen bas. Ehehe........... For now... this is all~~ hehe......... Part 2 to be continued. yeah!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kanak-kanak Extreme.. huyeahh!!

Assalamualaikum!!! Welcome to my blog~~ hehehee

Jap gi nak study. Tapi before tue, nak cite dulu. eheeeee~~ Mlm ari sabtu aritu, saye kua ngn dak2 klas g makan kat Sentosa, kat jb. Pegi sane semate nak makan bubo nasik yg ade lauk. Sedap gak.. (tp kalo saye masak lagi sedap kot.. haha).. Anyhow, bukan itu point nye kat cni.. Mase tu ktorg ngah borak2 pasal zaman kanak-kanak.. Saye ckp dulu mase kecik saye jahat. Ehehe... dorg tanye jahat mcm mane? Saye ckp .. "pijak kucing sampai mati!" hahahaha... tapi itu sume dusta je! Sbenanye dulu kecik saye jahat sebab cakap byk sangat pastu suke pecahkan kaca. Pastu suke baling batu kat angsa, alih2 kene keja ngn angsa tu! hahaha... Pastu jahat saye pn sbb byk cakap, jadinye dulu kecik2 saye nie kaki repot! hehehehehehehehe..... 3 taun pn mulut da mcm burung~ haha

Then adela org tu nak jugak bukak cite (hehehe). Tapi nie kawan kpd kawan die kot.. or kazen kpd kawan die.. Intro nye, die gelak dulu, hahaha. Pastu die ckp.."Mule2 ade mak ayam, ngn anak2 ayam die tgh sibuk mkn2. Jap gi ade budak nie die pegi takotkan mak ayam tue sbb nak pisahkan mak ngn anak2 die. Jap gi mak die da lari, budak tu bkn men jahat lagi.. die pijak-pijak anak ayam tu! Pastu die amek letak dlm air panas! Anak ayam tu idup lagi mase die campak dlm air panas. Bukan stakat panas, air mendidih!" hahahahahaha... kejam giler, hehehehehe... pastu saye tanye, "Mane dtgnye air panas?" Die ckp, dorg tgh men masak2. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Nak masak sup ayam ke ape budak2 nie? nasib bek die x tepikey nak sembelih dulu anak ayam tue. Agak2 kalo die sembelih, mau pengsan mak die tgk~~ hahahaha..Anak aku sangat extreme!
Children know laughter,
They also know tears,
Children know peace,
And they also know chaos,
Children know acceptance,
And so does rejection,
Children know joy,
And children know pain,
Children know abundance,
In fact they also know lack,
Children know health,
They also know ill,
Children know fulfillment,
And so they know of emptiness,
Children know hope,
And children know dismay,
Children know of love,
Yet they also know of hate,
But one thing they sure don't know.. is WHY~

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps

Assalamualaikum!!!! hehehe...

hmm... where should i start~~  biasenye kalo kite ngn kwn2 kite yg berlainan jantina, kdg2 kite marah atau kecik ati sbb dorg mcm buat2 x paham je ape yg kite nak.. contoh: Kite nak g kenduri, satu kete tue ade dak pompuan, ade dak laki. Tapi da jln lameeee da, still x sampai2. Obvious nye da sesat kan? So, nak jimat mase, dak2 pompuan suke je soh benti tnye org2 kt situ. Tapi dak2 laki plak xnak. Guess what? Kompom sesat x abes2. Pastu pompuan ape lagi? Mule la bebel bebel.... hehe. Dah dak pompuan bising, dak2 laki pon bengang... las2 x g kenduri. Kalo jmpe pn rumahnye, kua kete sume muke mcm tapai :-P

Isu nye nie skarang... mmg pompuan x paham lelaki, and same goes the other way around. Azalinye, lelaki dgn pompuan nie, ape yg same between us cume our SPECIES.... TAPI!! Cara kita berfikir sgtlah x sama... Kenape??? KERANA!!! Otak lelaki & perempuan x same. Scroll down a bit please :-)

Everyday evidence of our differences.........................

When a man goes to a toilet, he usually goes for one reason, and one reason only. Women use toilets as social lounges and therapy rooms. Women who go to toilet as strangers can come out as friends. But everyone would be instantly suspicious of the man who called out, "Hey Frank! I'm going to the toilet. You wanna come? (ehehehehe.... kang org ingt gay plak kan :-P)

Men dominate remote controls and flick through the channels; women don't mind watching commercials. 

Under pressure, men drink alcohol and invade other countries :-P, women eat chocolates and go shopping :-))

Women criticise men for being insensitive, uncaring, not listening, not being warm and compassionate, not talking, not giving enough love, not being committed to relationships, turning the temperature down, and leaving the toilet seat up. Men criticize women about their driving, for not being able to read street directories, for turning the maps upside down, for their lack of sense of direction, for talking too much without getting to the point, turning the temperature up, and for leaving the toilet seat down. 

Men think they are the most sensible sex. Women know they are.

Caner kite bole terlalu berbeza ek?! Let's go back to our ancient times.. when men and women live in peace and harmony~~~ hehe

zaman dolu-dolu.... lelaki dn pompuan sgt responsible dgn tanggungjawab masing2. MEN PROTECT, AND WOMEN NURTURE. Lelaki selalunye akan lebih tinggi dan kuat dari perempuan, in order to PROTECT. Perempuan selalunye lebih lembut dan sangat berprihatin, in order to NURTURE. To put it in simple words: "HE was the lunch-chaser, and SHE was the nest-defender"

Tanggungjawab lelaki sebagai ketua keluarga adalah memberi perlindungan kpd keluarga dari segi tempat tinggal, makanan dan keselamatan.
Tanggungjawab perempuan utk tinggal di 'gua' membesarkan dan melindungi anak-anak, juga menyambut kepulangan ketua keluarga dengan senang hati.

Untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab masing2 dgn baik, otak lelaki dan perempuan telah berevolusi supaya sesuai dengan peranan 'to protect' or 'to nurture'.Sbb lelaki tujuan hidup die is to protect, so otak lelaki akan lebih cenderung utk 'kurang berkomunikasi' dan lebih kepada 'strategi utk survive/memburu'. Cube tgk balik gamba otak kat atas tue.. The biggest portion is for activities like driving, sports, car fixation dan yang sewaktu dgnnye. Bila otak kita berevolusi with TIME (evolusi mengikut perkembangan dunia semasa), bahagian2 dlm otak lelaki akan lebih cenderung untuk melakukan aktiviti2 yg praktikal dan challenging AS IF it was for 'survival/memburu'. Same mcm perempuan. Perempuan suke bebel dan suke bercakap bende2 feeling sbb zaman dulu2, otak perempuan telah berevolusi utk memainkan peranan sebagai pemberi kasih sayang. Nak bagi kasih sayang dan didikan kat anak-anak, otak mesti mampu utk memproses banyak 'perkataan' dan cenderung utk 'meluahkan perasaan'. 


Kalo boyfren kite mcm diam je, x penah ckp die sayang kite ke... bukan sbb die xnak ckp... sbb dalam otak die, portion 'communication' tu kecik sgt.. So nak CAKAP tu mmg susah cket. hehehehehe... all in all, kite tau die sayang sbb die 'PROTECT'. Thanx so much dearest! :-))

With Lots of love, wanie :-))

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chickens Are So Funny :-D

Arini xde keje, so nak post bende baru kat blog... hehehe... last 2 weeks i just finished reading Eat,Pray,Love... penulis die Elizabeth Gilbert... buku nie ade 3 part.. part 1:Italy, Part 2:India, Part 3:Indonesia (all in one book)... skip pasal buku tu, sbb nak citer pasal intro part 2... hehehehehehehe.....

Elizabeth nie citer, dulu mase die kecik, family die ad bela ayam... kadang2, ade ayam mati sbb kene penyakit ataupun kene makan helang. Biasenye ayam betina... So ayah die akan ganti dgn ayam baru, betina jugak. Tapi!! hehe... Ayam baru nie, kite xley men campak cenggitu je dalam group ayam lame! Nanti dorg ingat ayam baru tue penceroboh~ hihihi... jadi, ape kite kene buat is, tunggu ari da mlm, sume ayam2 da tido... pastu... amek ayam yg baru tu (die pn kene tdo gak kowt), letak die kat tmpat ayam betina tido, pastu blah senyap2.. hehehehe.... ayam nie biasenye tido mati :-P Then, pagi esok mase dorg sume da bgn, ayam sbelah die akan ingat.." Ek?! kat sbelah aku nie mmg ade ayam ek? hmm.. die nie mmg ade kat sini kot sepanjang mase. Sbb smalam xde ayam lua dtg buat kecoh~~ huhu.. lantak la.. malas nak pikey,aku busy, nak bertelur." (hahahaha..saje tambah skrip) . Yang klaka nye... ayam baru tue pn sengal gak... bgn pagi bukak mate, tgk kiri kanan, pastu.."Slamat pagi!! Ek, nape rse environment cam lain je ek... huhu.... aaa!! tidak tidak!! otak aku pening pikey bende2 complicated nie... bek aku betelur." (hehe...) Being a chicken is so funny ^^

Chickens in a coop

" When i was growing up, my family kept chickens. We always had about a dozen of them at any given time and whenever one died off--taken away by a hawk or fox or by some obscure chicken illness-- my father would replace the lost hen. He'd drive to a nearby poultry farm and return with a new chicken in a sack. The thing is, you must be very careful when introducing a new chicken to the general flock. You can't just toss it in there with the old chickens, or they will see it as an invader.  What you must do instead is to slip the new bird into the chicken coop in the middle of the night while the others are asleep. Place her on the roost beside the flock and tiptoe away. In the morning, when the chickens wake up, they don't notice the newcomer, thinking only, "She must have been here all the time since i didn't see her arrive." The clincher of it is, awaking within this flock, the newcomer herself doesn't even remember that she's a newcomer, thinking only, "I must have been here the whole time.." hahahaha ^^ (happy happy!!!)
Bace buku nie rase nak gelak je sepanjang mase... Bahase2 die sgt funny~~ hehehe


Friday, December 10, 2010

Rapunzel, rapunzel... put down your hair~~~~ hehehe.... Sgt Bes!

Hmmm.... umo da 23taun da suke lagi nk tgk citer2 katun disney.. hehe. Alaaa, lgpun katun disney zaman2 skg nie da x budak2 sgt. Org2 yg x minat pn bole suke. Aritu sbenanye kua ngn dak2 kelas, tp pecah 2 pulak. 3 org nie nk tgk Ngangkung, ktorg 8 org nak tgk Rapunzel :-) (sbenanye kite da tgk da due2 muvie nie.... hehehe... suke nk tgk byk kali.. hehe) Ktorg yg 8 org nie, ade 3 dak laki.. respect la kat dorg sbb nak teman tgk Rapunzel! eheeeee.....  Dorg gelak tgk muvie nie lagi over kot dri budak2 kecik kt blakang  aritu, wahahaaaa... Anywho.... what's so special about Rapunzel ek? 'Ade org tu' ckp kan... 'oo.. citer yg cam Barbie tu ea?" hahahaha.... yes dearest, yg mcm barbie tu. hahaha... 

Mule je movie nie, sumenye nampak… well….. cantik! Rs mcm nak senyyyuuummmm jeee :-))))))) So, Rapunzel nie sbenany princess, tp mase die baby, die kene culik oleh nenek tua yg jahat nie sbb rambut rapunzel ade healing power (adela citer di sebalik rmbut die tue.. mak ayah die brunette, tp tetibe die blonde).. Nenek tu sbenanye umo da beratus2 taun, tp die mude la sgt lagi sbb healing power rmbut rapunzel tu… so, die bwk rapunzel dok atas tower yg saaaangggattt tinggi jauuuuuhhhh kat dlm utan. Rmbut die da sampai 70kaki panjang da… (1 foot=0.3048m, that means, 70 feet hair is equivalent to 21 meters long…) Rambut die xley potong, kalo potong nnt healing power die hilang… So, die dok la dlm tower tu dri kecik smpai besa… rutin yg same je ari2…. Bgn tdo, sapu2, bace buku, lukis2, masak2, menjahit, bace buku lagi, lukis lag dan lagi dan lagiiii… kwn die cume sekor chameleon yg sgt kelakar! Name die Pascal. Hehe….. Until one day, die jmpe sorg laki nie and pakse laki tu tolg die kua dari tower tu… Saje je die nk kua jln2 (sbenanye adela tujuan die tu nak kua…tp xnak citer nanti spoiler plak)

This is the tower where Rapunzel lives for 18 years. A tower that she thought was her home~

She should be an old woman, but with the healing power from Rapunzel's hair, she became a young woman. Rapunzel thought this old lady was her mom :-(

Tp yg besnye citer nie sbb character die yg binatang2 tue sume~~~ hahaha…. Chameleon tu, ngn kude tu….. paling klaka kude die…. Sbb kude die mcm anjing! Bole hidu mcm anjing, bole duduk mcm anjing~ heheee….. mmg x boley lupe idung die. Haha… smpai askar2 pn kene ikut arahan kude tu, padahal kude tu xley bcakap… gaye die tu yang klaka! Hahaha…. Speechless~
So, never miss it for the world!!!!

This is the time where Rapunzel made a dress for Pascal. He clearly hates it. Hahaaa~

Hehe... see how funny he looks~ Wait till you see him sniffing around like a dog! hahahaha

Rapunzel and Flynn. This lanterns are the reasons why Rapunzel went out of the tower.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is a GLADIOLUS flower.... pretty isn't it? In the movies, we sometimes see people give red roses to show love, white roses to show sincerity, and yellow as friendship. The look, colour and structure of the flower does look like it symbolizes something.. Roses have thorns, most of 'em are red.. so it can mean: LOVE & PASSION~~

So here i was just now, trying to google on what to post in my new blog.. (haha.. sgt skema??!).. then i came upon The Language of Flowers. Zahra is my name... Zahra means flower.. I'm a flower... (i really like my name. thnx parents ^^).. I scroll on the page about the language of flower until i saw GLADIOLUS.. the page didn't have any pictures, so i wasn't attracted to the flower based on how they look. I stumble upon this one by its name: G-L-A-D-I-O-L-U-S...

When i read the language that it holds, i felt somehow connected to it. It says: I hv a strong character! I showed remembrance, infatuation, splendid beauty, really sincere.. I'm the flower of the Gladiators. I brought to you admiration coz i tell the recipients that they pierce the heart like a sword. Somehow i felt it resembles me...

When i searched into it further, this is what i found...It is also the birth flower of August. Because the gladiolus has blade-shaped leaves, the name comes from the Latin word gladius which means sword. Wow~~ it does look powerful. is my favourite colour ^^

Zahra IS SO Zahra: The Secret revealed: What We Give, We Receive Back...

Zahra IS SO Zahra: The Secret revealed: What We Give, We Receive Back...: "'The Secret' is the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Its not about the law of grooming to make us more of a public figure. Its not about teaching us the..."

The Secret revealed: What We Give, We Receive Back

"The Secret" is the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Its not about the law of grooming to make us more of a public figure. Its not about teaching us the law of making other people become attracted to us or whatsoever..  Its about the law, that will change the way we lead our lives... Its about the law, that will change the way we THINK so that we can have the life that we always dream of.. Well people, here i give you... a magic that will always come true~~

Law of attraction says: "Like attracts like". Our mind navigates the law of attraction. But our feelings are the result of our thoughts! What we feel, is actually what we think. If we think of our school days, the memories make us smile. So, we felt happy, as we thought about Steven's face when he fell into the mud 6 years ago at school. On the other hand, when we thought about our stupid boyfriends who wouldn't care to call even after a week, we felt mad.. and sad... and damn! (anyway.. this is just an example... ). So, what we feel can actually indicate what we think.

If 'like' attracts 'like', and the law of attraction navigates through our thoughts, so it means, positive thoughts will attract all the positive things towards us (like a magnet). And of course, negative thoughts will attract all the negative things to us. What we give, WE RECEIVE BACK! Therefore, if we always HAVE HAPPY FEELINGS.... we will eventually set out a POSITIVE FREQUENCY that will be transmitted through our thoughts for the law of attraction. We gave out happy feelings, we'll receive good things. "What we give, we receive back"

We, humans, are the strongest transmitter that is greater that any other transmitters in the universe. We transmit a positive frequency whenever we have a positive thought~ Our feelings are the fuel that will determine how strong is the frequency that we're transmitting. The stronger the LOVE we had towards anything we have in mind, the stronger you are attracting all the good things that you wanted. Once you've had this thought about whatever you want, and act as if YOU ALREADY HAVE IT, the law of attraction will rearrange the universe in the order that will make you RECEIVE what you want. The trick is,


I tried doing this once. I really really really want to have my curve back. I was obese.. my weight was 80kg!!! but then i imagined that i'm no longer overweight, and i FEEL THAT I'M THIN! I look in the mirror, and i SEE THAT I'M THIN even though i'm not... here comes the magic trick... in just 2 weeks... 2 WEEKS PEOPLE!! .. i already lost 10kg without even noticing until i got onto the scale! hah! i don't even know how i did it! This week, i did it again.... i lost 4kg without knowing i did until i got onto the scale... hahaha... 4kg in just one week.. magic~~ now i weigh around 60+kg.. only 9kg left to loose before i hv my ideal weight! hahaha...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Greetings Earthlings~~

Oh hello everyone (if there is someone reading..) ehehe.. well, i made 2 blogs before, unfortunately i'm so lazy i didn't commit to both! hah! typical for someone that owez procrastinate. hahaha.. but then one day, someone asked me . "Hey, are you following any blogs?" and i said, "no, and i don't have any blogs either.. hehe"..but.. lets go to another part of the story first. Okay.. one thing about me is that i just love books, i love to read.. 6 years ago, i loved romance book (urgh.. when i think back about it i felt.. urgh.. wat tha??!) anyhow, i'm 23, so, my interest are currently on motivational books and biography, and business, AND... books on the differences between men & women..  i just love to share what i read to my friends until THEY got addicted to books as well. (no need to thank me.. haha!).. the thing is, i want ALL of my dearest friends to share my knowledge as well. So what i did was, posted the short excerpts in my facebook status.. (how very unsatisfying).. but still, lots of people put 'like' to it~ THEREFORE... i remembered this dear friend of mine (he's more than a friend to me actually.. hehe^^) mention about blogs, so i thought.. "well, perhaps i could share all those funny and interesting things i read from those books in a blog..." yeay me!!! ( btw, thanx to you dearest..thank God i found you ^_^) hehe...