
Monday, March 21, 2011

13 Things I Say About Me^^ xde keje kot!

Assalamualaikum :-)

mule2... xde bende nak citer...

second.... otak da tepu, nak ilek2 jap bkk blog.. huahhh! hehe

third.... (adoyaii sejoknye libry! jari2 beku!) P.S: not complaining ek... aaaa.... hehe.. maybe a bit.. hehehe

4th.... hmmm... lapa...... nak makan pe ek.. (mkn sorg kt bilek :-/... auuuuuuwww... cepatlaa ari kamis!)

5th..... cepatla ujung bulan masok gaji!!!!!! hehehehe... nie untuk tabung mase hadapan^^ eheheee...

6th..... hmm... mesti selua2 track x kering nieee... xley nk lari ptg nieeee... caner nak kurus?? haha... alaa.. bkn nk kurus sgt pon :-P saje je nak sihatkan badan...

7th..... hmm... 3 hari .... 3 hari.... 3 hari.... (dan hari jumaat... ?? ke ari kamis ek...??) 4 hari!!! huuuuu..... so minggu nie tinggal je 3 hari utk berbahagia :'/ huhuu... xpe2... bolelaa.. asal ade.. 

8th..... kene bli jeans baru!!! xmo gune jeans yg skrg sume da menggeleberrrr.... x lawooo! hahahaha.... huhu.. nak lawa2 untuk sape nie wanie???? aipps.... diri sendiri laa!!! hahahaha....

9th...... hehe.... bole tak arini nak abeskan kelas tusyen awal?? hahaha... isy isy wanie nie.... where is ur sense of responsibility??!!!! kesian budak2... 

10th....... dari tadi wat keje, penat sket bkk inbox, tgk name awak... penat lagi sket bukak lagi inbox, tgk lagi name awak... agak2 da lebey 10 kali bukak inbox arini!!!... hehehehe.... suke la hpon saye bley tampung msg byk2!!!!! hahahahaha.....

11th....... arini mmg terbukti kebolehan multi-tasking wanie!!! hahahaha.... type summary seminar Dr siti, sambil2 cari info untuk isi kandungan seminar, sambil2 carik journal untuk proposal en.aidee (neh kene mintak sponsor en.aidee neh)..... sambil2 membalas emel2 peserta-peserta dan lecturer2 yg terlibat ngn exhibition kat fakulti.... sambil2 menjawap panggilan talipon peserta2 yg gelabah sbb takot x sempat siap persiapan exhibition (bolenye wanie jadi kaunselor ek? hehe) 

12th...... sejuk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13th....... aaaaa.... nk balik laaa... sambung esok pgi lah keje2 nie... mlm adalah masa utk berehat :-) hahaha...

keje byk, tp kene maintain kool! kan dear :-) yg penting siap! haha..... 

dah sudah sudah.... sejuk sejuk, tp tabalek balek pon lagi :-P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kerana Saya Sayang :-P

Assalamualaikum :-)

Wah! hari yg sgt indah~~ pagi2 burung berkicauan, angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa, menandakan hari yg begitu bahagia sekali. huhu... ape-apelah..

Well, arini indeed was great. Pagi-pagi morning lagi da jumpe yg tersayang (hehe). Then meeting-meeting sume tak jadi, SO byk lagi mase untuk siapkan keje2 yg tak penah nak siap^^ haha...

Until one moment, sedang wanie fokus pada tugasan-tugasan yang menggunung itu, tetiba dtg satu sms.. Oh! Bpk! .... bukak sms, kua yang nie...

"A nuclear power plant in Fukumi, Japan exploded at 4.30AM today. If it rains tomorrow or later, don't go outside. If you are outside, be sure that you have rain protectors. It's acid rain. DOn't let it touch you. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer. Please pass, stay safe and remind everyone you know. Urgent! From, Dr.Hafsah"

Whoever Dr.hafsah may be, she's a woman~~ women=sensitivity=kepoh~ :-D

As i read it, laju je jari2 nie forward msg tu, its you lah dear, sape lagi yg terlintas dlm ingatan.. haha.. after a while, a friend anta msg pulak...

"forwarded from news at fly fm.. ignore d text msg about acid rain.. furthermore radiation has no relation with acid rain.. hee2 biter palsu wani..jgn caye. hehe"

MAJOR HUMILIATION!!!!!!!! hahahahah^^

i studied chemical engineering... CHEMICAL ENGINEERING!!! i studied ACID RAIN (well, mase taun 2 la.... so consider agak lame jugak la kan?.. hehe) i studied safety and health! i even did a HAZOP study! (P.S: HAZOP study = Hazard and Operatibility study, a systematic examination of a process or operation, especially chemical processes to identify or analyze problems that may risk the safety of a plant, its operation and the personnel)

okay wanie! calm down.... lets analyze the situation dengan tenang...~

1st: its true i learnt about acid rain and safety studies for 4 years.

2nd: i was reading about the explosion from The Star while receiving the sms from dad.

3rd: then my emotion surpass the wisdom of my intelligence.

4th: a friend reminded me of reality

5th: realized that i should USE MY HEAD before i FOLLOW MY HEART..... O_o ..... a.k.a me=woman=sensitive=kepoh~~ :-D

Lets play court...... intelligence claim that emotion is to blame. So emotion needs to defend herself before the jury. The court of justice will now see. Is the defendant guilty, or not guilty ? Jury, please give your full attention on this trial. 123.. Action!! I will act as the prosecutor and the defence attorney as well.

The supreme court would call upon Mis Emotion as the defendant. You may enter the stand for your testimony.

me: miss emotion, where were you at the time the sms was received?
emo: i was at the library, reading the newspaper.
me: wat did you read about in the newspaper?
emo: about the nuclear explosion in fukushima.
me: orite, wat do you feel about what happened in fukushima?
emo: well, i fear for the japanese. and i fear for our people. Its nuclear. Its radiation. It travels across the sea. 
me: have you ever heard about the content of the sms from anywhere before?
emo: no. This was the first time i heard of it.
me: then would you agree if i say, no one had ever inform you about the content of the sms? 
emo: yes, that's true.
me: wat is your relation with the person who sent you the sms?
emo: my biological father
me: do you love your father?
emo: yes.
me: and would you agree if i say, your father sent you the sms because he also cares about you?
emo: yes, i agree. I'm his daughter aren't i?
me: is it true that the sms content is about an acid rain caused by the nuclear power plant explosion in Fukumi?
emo: yes.
me: have you ever heard of Fukumi before.
emo: no.
me: have you ever heard of fukushima?
emo: yes.
me: then what do you feel about those two? Are they related?
emo: yes i did felt that they are related.
me: are you familiar with places or cities in Japan?
emo: not really.
me: name the ones that you know please.
emo: hokkaido, tokyo, fukuoka, okinawa, osaka, kyoto, fukushima.... perhaps hiroshima and nagasaki..("ade kan..?")
me: would you agree if i say you dont really see the difference between fukushima and Fukumi?
emo: yes, i agree.
me: Your Honor, i have no more question, and i'd pass to the prosecutor to question the defendant.

as the prosecutor for Miss intelligence, me starts to aks questions to the defendant.

me: miss emotion, how often do you receive sms such as these?
emo: rarely. 
me: how do you act when you receive them?
emo: i usually ignore them.
me: why?
emo: because i had a feeling that it was just made up.
me: wat are those sms about?
emo: about getting bad luck if we dont forward the msg to other people.
me: why didnt you forward them? u're not afraid of bad luck?
emo: i didnt trust the msgs. I dont want to make a fool out of myself by sending those silly smss.
me: didnt you feel, even slightly, that the acid rain sms was made up?
emo: no i didnt. 
me: have you always act before you think?

me (defence attorney): Objection Your Honor!
judge: Overrule~~~ proceed..

me(prosecutor): have you always act before you consult or ask for approval from the plaintiff, miss intelligence?
emo: no. 
me: then would you say , that you always act according to the orders from miss intelligence?
emo: yes.
me: then would you agree if i say this time, you failed the plaintiff, miss intelligence, by acting before consulting miss intelligence?
emo: yes
me: do you agree that miss intelligence understand that acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide ONLY? 
emo: yes, i do.
me: and do you agree if i say that miss intelligence knows about TWO explosions in FUKUSHIMA, and not TODAY at FUKUMI?

me(defence): Objection, Your Honor!
Judge: Overruled! would you please calm down??!!

me: please answer the question miss emotion.
emo: ............ yes, i do..........
me: and would you say miss intelligence are aware that Fukumi is not Fukushima?
emo......... i guess so.
me: what causes cancer miss emotion?
emo: radiation?
me: yes, radiation. Would you agree that miss intelligence know that acid rain will not cause cancer?
emo: yes, i agree.
me: Then you would agree if i say that acid rain DOES NOT affect human health DIRECTLY? 
me: if i say, acid rain only contribute to heart and lung problems, as well as increased frequencies of colds, and allergies in children, and also cause Alzheimer's because the soil was polluted with the rain, would you agree?
emo:.......fine! yes, i agree!!
me: i have nothing more to ask, Your Honor.

Judge: And the verdict, it is the judgement of the court, that the defendent Miss Emotion, is guilty~~~

hehehe.... moral of the story. Org perempuan memang Allah dah takdirkan untuk menjadi sensitif, even perkara kecik seperti memilih pakaian. Kalau org pempuan, duduk depan almari, kite akan tye.." nak pakai baju ape ek.. xde baju laaa..." org lelaki akan jawap.. "xde baju ape sampai penuh satu almari baju dieee je..!" hehee... iyelah... pempuan dah azalinye dilahirkan sensitif supaya boleh memenuhi keperluan2 keluarga. Bawang tak cukup... risau..... Bil air bil letrik sampai dlm mailbox.. risau.... budak2 makan ape kat skolah..... risau...... dpt msg acid rain!! .... RISAU!!!............ hahaha...

P.S: pasni dpt msg camni, PIKEYY DULU SEBELOM BERTINDAK!!! heheheehehehehehe.....

love always, zahrawanie :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kembara BB di Kuching .. meow :-)


Good day!! I just came bck from my hometown yesterday... Da agak lame jugak tak balik... heehee... tp kali nie dok umah mak su je... dok kampung. Bes bes... kali terakhir duduk umah mak su ... mase darjah 6. Itu pun sbb baru pindah balik ke kuching dpd pekan Kapit..

Dalam mase 3 hari 2 malam di rumah maksu... rase bahagia sgt :-) sbb maksu tak kije... anak ade 4 org... paling kecik setaun stengah.. namenye Zikri :-) si cumil~~ untuk family yg terdiri dari 6 org, dan hanye paksu yg keje.. rumah maksu agak perfect~~ hehee...

  1. rumah besa, byk renovation kt blakang.. toilet and shower berasingan, dapo da diluaskan.
  2. sume brg2 sgt organized (you know where to find everything)
  3. anak2 rajin pegi masjid (maybe sbb masjid sbelah umh kot) hehe
sgt tenang duduk di rumah mak su... hehee.. the way i see it, maksu dan paksu bijak mengatur belanje... life dorg sgt simple and very organized... kirenye, dorg nie family yg mengamalkan polisi..'tidak berhutang' :-) meaning, beli ape yg mampu saje.... cukupla adenye kete kancil sebijik, tv biase 29inci,astro yg channel basic2 (xde sports ye), washing machine biase yg kene basoh tmpt len, spin tmpt len, and seekor kucing kampung bername Emon :-P

Duduk2 di jambatan bersama Emon di siang hari

pagi2 maksu bgn kol 5, sediakan sarapan.. mlm tadi lagi da siap ironkan baju2 skolah anak2 die, and bju kije paksu.. mase tu paksu dan 2 org anak lelaki die g masjid.. balik dari solat isyak, makan kt umah.. maksu da siap masak dari petang tdi... tym2 dorg g masjid utk maghrib dn isyak, maksu stay rumah ngn Ainul, anak pempuan die umo 8 taun... and of course.. si Zikri :-)

Ikieee XD

yg zikri nie pn bijak jugak.. setaun lebeh je da paham org ckp ape... org suruh simpan brg2, die simpan.. nak bezekan penutup container, die bole bezekan, tau mane penutup yg betul... org makan kat dapo, die xley masok, ade paga.. nak ckit, reti pulak nak mintak.. roti=ti.. makanan lain=mam... susu=cu...kesane kemari usung lampin busuk die tu. hehe.. actually si 'pin' die tu dituka hari2.. buat die nyonyot la.. mcm2 laa.. nk tido je carik 'pin' .. hehe. pin= lampin.. hehe.. happy family :-)

Ikie dan 'pin'

Anywhooo.... i would love to introduce to you my cozy little hometown... Kuching Sarawak ^^

kampung kat kuching tak mcm kmpg2 kat semenanjung... ktorg xde tanah yg byk... xde dusun beso2... xde klape sawit.. umh pon dekat2... tanam2n yg ade, biasenye sayur-sayuran dan bunge.. ade gak umh yg ade pokok pisang, pokok derian, pokok nangka, cempedak, rambutan... itu sume kan biase2 punye buah2an...hehee... bole kate beze antara taman2 perumahan dgn perkampungan melayu di sarawak, bezenye taman perumahan totally umah batu... kampung2, biaselah.. umh kayu+batu2 ckit modify sane-sini.... and, kampung pn ade yg dalam kwsn bandar gak.. hehee...

Nie umah maksu... see see.. sbelah je ngn masjid.. dulu situ tanah umh org, tp die nak pindah, so die wakafkan tanahnye tuk buat masjid... murahnye hati :-) actually kampung nie dalam kwsn bandar... kalo jalan terusss je.. no belok2... terus masok banda..

Rumah maksu

Umah maksu sbelah masjid

Nie masjidnye :)

Siang2 hari, mase budak2 nak pegi skolah

Nak dijadikan cerita, wanie yg baik hati telah dioffer oleh bpknye yg murah hati untuk bwk balik souvenir ke JB.... so, bpk ajak kua bli kek lapis dan ikan terubok masin yg sgt femes di sarawak ^^ sbb member2 sume cam teringin nk g kuching tp blum ade rezeki so saye yg baik hati nie pon mule timbul keinginan utk perkenalkan tempat kelahiran saye dgn mengeluarkn bakat terpendam dlm bidang fotografi.. berbekalkan kamera yg ntah berape mega pixelnye... yg jugak merupakan satu2nya hpon yg saye ade... saye memulakan aktiviti kembara di sekitar Bandaraya Kuching Sarawak... hehe... tp xde la satu bandar pon... mane2 yg bpk bwk.. kat situ je la yg sempat amek gambo...hehe.. anyhow, i hope you like it :-)

Dari rumah... kami menuju ke Pasar Tani yang letaknye hanya 5 min dari umh maksu... (by car ye.. kalo jln kali mau pengsan gak kot. hehe) Dtg cni nak carik ikan terubok masin :-) sedap! hehe.... Pasar Tani nie agak bersih gak.. mayb sbb ramai tourist kot yg dtg.. so DBKU kene jage kebersihan! Trime kasey DBKU!!!

Kalo dtg cni, kiri kanan ade org jual ikan terubok masin... Kalo saye, saye akan pilih kedai yg ikannye nampak cantik.. hehe... yg outsidenye nampak smooth and black, yg insidenye very white with a flush of pink.. dan ikan yg baru2 je ditabur garam... So, kedai yg menjadi pilihan hati wanie, is kedai D'mail... 

Rasenye die nie kot name Mail

Member Mail tolong packing untuk org2 yg nak bwk ikan terubok masin
travel jauh

My choice of fish.. Perfect!

Juge menjual ayam-ayam dan ikan2 yg lain..
yelah.. dah namenye pon pasar tani

Haaa... jgn salah paham ye tuan-tuan...
Nie bukan bisnes uitm..
u.i.t.m=usahawan ikan terubok masin~ hehe

Bole beze tak kaler ikan uitm ngn d'mail? D'mail obviously lagi fresh.. yg ikan ade kaler coklet2 tu x suke..:-) hehe... kalo org2 sarawak yg bli, ikan yg seko 12ingt nie, bole dpt 8ingt seko.. hehe.. Lepas siap bli ikan masin, bertolak ke Waterfront pulak... Waterfront kuching nie bersebelahan dgn pasar yg lagi satu... India street+Gambir Strett=pasar yang lagi satu... name je india street, tp indianye x ramai pon... India street sbb tmpt nie byk kedai kain... pastu ownernye org pakistan... Gambir street pulak, tempat org2 jual sayur2 sarawak... dan ... gambir... hehehehe... hajat kami kesana, niatnye nak mencarik bijik benih terung iban :-) nak kasik kat mak ros... hehehe... tp masok sume kedai yg jual bijik benih, sume kate xdek.. kalo nk, carik lah terung iban yg tua, amek bijik die.. pastu tanam.... dan kebetulan, bpk yg dah give up mse tu, ingtkn tgk dari jauh terung nie buah oren.. rupenye terung iban.. then dah takdirnye bertemu di situ, ade la pulak terung tua.. yg satu-satunye yg itulah yg tua! hehee.. dear.. arap2 mak ros bole tanam ek.. hehe.

Inilah terung iban :-) saye suke masak rebus ngn
udang dan belacan, dan ikan bilis... hehehe
Pisang feveret saye... tak tahu namenye ape.
P.S: dear, nie lagi satu kte nyer kelemahan.. jenis2 pisang.. ehehee
Bengkel Superbike yg tetibe ade di Gambir road.. ehehe
Pasar lagi satu yg dimaksudkan... seberang jalan dah jumpe tebing Waterfront :-)

Alaa.. silap cket gamba nie.. kalo kasik naik cket bole
nampak kelibat-kelibat Waterfront kt seberang jln

Mase tgh dlm pencarian, tgk kat seberang, mcm cantik pulak Astana..., kembara BB di kuching terus menyeberang jalan untuk ke Waterfront dan memulakan misi memperkenalkan kuching, sesi ke-2! Let's go!!

kat sini la kalo menteri2 besa nak buat meeting

Susur jalan di waterfront... sbelah sane kmpg2 melayu :-)
Astana dan Dewan Undangan Negeri also on the other side

Dewan Undangan Negeri.. directly next to Astana.. ehee..
ade couple ngah amek gambo kat crocodile..
Haaa... kalo toleh belah kanan ke arah couple yg amek gamba tadi,
nampaklaa pusat bandaraya dan kawasan
Waterfront yg sepanjang-panjang alam tu....
Tadi kite toleh kanan, skrg kite paling blakang pulak...
nampak laa bahagian depan bangunan mahkamah lame.... ngeri at nite!

Next.. wanie dengan rajinnye berjalan di sepanjang Waterfront untuk cari angle yg bes tuk amek gamba... My favourite spot in kuching is area Waterfront sbb kan, tempat nie die still kekalkan feel 'sejarah' zaman2 Brooke dulu.. Especially bangunan2 die..After Waterfront, kite akan sampai ke pusat bandaraya.. Kat sini lah kite akan jumpe hotel2 5 stars, dan shopping2 complex... Bak kate org sini, tempat nie kite namekan Golden Triangle. Sume org tau patong mak bpk kucing dan anak2nye tu kan.. haa.. itulaa center golden triangle nie.. Setiap bucu triangle nie terdiri dpd Riverside Majestic, Sarawak Plaza, dan Tun Jugah. Tige2 shopping complex.. hehee... skang nie bukan kat sini je tumpuan shopping.. Parkson Spring ade gak kat Simpang 3 sane.. ngn Boulevard kat Batu 3.. ape la org kuching suke nombo 3 ea? hehe.. bagoslaa.. kalo tak, mmg xley nk lalu la jln nie.. traffic jam!

Antara dua darjat... Sbelah sini pembangunan..
sbelah sana perkampungan melayu...
bole pegi back and forth gune perahu tambang :-)... 50sen skali naik. hehe

Org puteyyy sedang menikmati keindahan alam

Seronok gak jalan2 sini...

kalo dari Waterfront, seberang jalan lagi skali bole pegi Main Bazaar..
kat sini org jual2 souvenir yg cantik2, dan tikar, dan batik sarawak :-)

eheee... bole tahan gak wanie nie amek gamba ek..

Standing di tgh2 kesibukan jalan raya utk amek gamba nie... hehehe

Alang-alang da bdiri kt tgh jalan nie, saye teros pegi ke Main Bazaar... ehehe... suke tgk kraftangan yg dorang jual.. rase excited tetibe tgk bende2 klasik camni dijual cantik2... bende2 dpd kayu mmg cantik kan? Dgn lighting kedai lagi, mmg ade 'touch' of sarawakian air.... bes bes :-)

One of kedai souvenir di Main Bazaar

I like the interior!
Perisai org dulu2.. skg nie designnye da bole buat pintu da.. hehe..

Bujang senang versi kayu
Apakah mereka?? saya juga tak tau~~

Sile la masok!! ini kedai feveret sayeeee.. hehehe

Pusak-pusak yg bermacam2 kaler.

Beli key chain je sudah..takya grand-grand sgt.. hehehe

Pasu2 yg diukir cantik-cantik... gamba umah panjang..

nie ukiran biase je... tp cantik gak..

nie yg ade ukiran umh panjang

Beruk2 borneo yg comel dan fluffy... hehe

beg camni sume negeri pn ade kan?

hiyaa.. saye suke amek gamba!

Dear!! menatang nie pon ade kat sini :-P

Org dayak dan org iban salu gune bakul nie bawak bekal tanam padi..
dulu mase kecik2 bpk pn bekal gune nie tuk g kije..
tpnye kije kat makmal. haha

nice... agak vintage.. hehe

Nie namenye puak kumbu... org rumah panjang gune untuk halau antu..
kalo ikot kepercayaan dorg la

Ade je bende nie.. hehe

Nilah die Main Bazaar~~  penat gak jalan2 masok sume kedai sepanjang2 jalan nie

Belah kanan Waterfront, belah kiri main Bazaar

gamba ini special:: i saw kat ujuunnggg sane tu ade BEETLE!!! eheeee

okayy! selesai amek gamba souvenir...sekarang.. mari kte jelajah naik perahu tambang!!! prepare singgit sorg ye utk pegi dn balik :-) kat kmpg seberang tu actually ade je jalan darat... tp jalan jauh la... kalo gune jln darat, akan lalu Petra Jaya. Kwsn Petra Jaya pn kire mcm Putrajaya gak laa.. sume ofis kerajaan ade kat Petra Jaya... sayangnye x sempat nak gi amek gamba kat sane... hehe..

kite bakal ke sana!

excited!!! hehe... note:wanie tak penah naik perahu tambang sebelum nie. hehe
French guy

Da sampai kat seberang
Rumah kmpg nie ade BMW

Kalo jalan blah depan sane kite akan jumpe kedai2 jual kek lapis! hehe

Malam sebelum nie, saye g mkn kat area kedai2 jual kek lapis tu.. seriously.. i recommend sape2 yg nak dtg kuching, dtgla mkn kat kedai2 tu... Laksa die sedap, nasik goreng die sedap, ayam penyet die sedap, air die pn sedap...!

ini kalo ade DSLR nie barulaa lawa gamba

inilaa tempat makan yg dimaksudkan... hehe... bes..

Wanie kalo balik sarawak x makan bende len..
mesti akan order laksa swk, dan teh C special..
tak kire siang ke mlm ke, inilah menu utama..

Maka dgn ini, berakhirlah kembara BB di Kuching sarawak!!! heheee... bgi sesiapa yg tak kenal sape laa si BB nie kan, BB adalah suatu alat komunikasi :-P

Good day everyone!!! Cuti-cuti Malaysia^^

P.S: pesanan terakhir pihak penaja.....

Hahahahahahaha...... baik sungguh org2 sarawak nie ye :-P